fredag den 26. marts 2010

cute friends<3
okay her er en lille historie. saa idag i speech class, skulle vi give hinanden awards. saa min ven josh, som ikke er gay, gav mig "most likly to sucseed". serioest den award var bare saa cute, vi skrive lidt af det han sagde herinde. "and now I'm proud present the most likely to sucseed award, it goes to one of my newest friends, I have known her for about half a year, she is very smart, brave and athletic, and is always super nice talking to. in the time I have known her she has shown me that she is a very loyal person, and very trust worthy. she is very smart, and will for sure do good when it comes to her education. and then she is very athletic, doing alot of sport, and always doing her best... o.s.v" og en masse andet, jeg sad bare der og blev helt glad, jeg kommer til at savne mennesker som Josh, han er serioest en awesome ven!

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